भारत जैसे देश में बेटी की शादी करना हर बात के लिए बहुत ही खास मौका होता है। हर बाप चाहता है कि वह अपनी बेटी की शादी धूमधाम से करे, लेकिन इसमें बहुत सारे पैसे भी खर्च होते हैं। अगर आप भी अपनी बेटी के शादी को लेकर चिंतित हैं और उसकी शादी के लिए पैसे जोड़ना चाहते हैं तो एलआईसी की कन्यादान पॉलिसी आपके लिए बेहद मददगार साबित हो सकती है। आप रोज अगर सिर्फ 300 रुपये भी बचाते हैं तो बेटी की शादी के लिए आपके पास 65 लाख रुपये जमा हो जाएंगे। अगर आप और अधिक पैसे जमा करना चाहते हैं तो प्रति माह करने वाला निवेश बढ़ा सकते हैं। वहीं आयकर अधिनियम की धारा 80सी के तहत आपको 1.5 लाख रुपये तक पर टैक्स में छूट भी मिलती है।
Jeevan Lakshya is a new plan introduced in March 2015 by LIC of India. Jeevan
Lakshya is a limited premium paying conventional profit linked Endowment
Assurance plan which provides Annual Income Benefit to fulfill the family
requirements. In case of death of the policy holder takes place prior to the
maturity, 10% of the basic sum assured will be paid on every policy
anniversary, further it also provides a lump sum amount at the time of maturity
regardless of survival of the policyholder. The Unique Identification
Number (UIN) for Jeevan Lakshya Lic plan is 512N297V01.
LIC Jeevan Lakshya Policy Benefits
Death Benefit
If Death Occurs during the
policy term 10% of the basic sum Assured will be paid to nominee every year
from the year of death till the date of maturity.
At end of policy term/
maturity date Nominee will be paid Sum Assured on death(110% of sum
assured) + Vested simple Revisionary Bonuses + Final Additional Bonus (If Any).
On survival of policy holder till the end of the
policy term provided all due premiums have been paid,
Maturity Amount = Sum Assured + vested
Simple Revisionary bonuses + Final Additional bonus (if any).
Where Sum Assured on Maturity is equal to Basic
Sum Assured.
Jeevan Lakshya Policy Riders
LIC Jeevan Lakshya 933 provides
the following optional riders by payment of additional premium:
LIC Accidental Death and Disability Benefit Rider: This rider can be opted at any time
within the premium paying term of the Basic Plan. The benefit cover
under this rider shall be available during the policy term.
If this rider is opted:
Case of death during the policy term: Amount equal to the
“Accident Benefit Sum Assured” will be payable.
case of accidental permanent disability: Accident Benefit SA will be paid
in the form of dividing the amount into equal monthly installments spread over
10 years and all Future premiums for Accident Benefit rider are
waived off.
On Survival: On survival Basic Sum
Assured + Vested Bonus + FAB if any.
Value: The Policy can be surrendered at any time during the policy term
provided at least 36 months premiums have been paid.
: Available after payment of premium of 36 months.
Tax Benefit:
• Premium paid under this plan is eligible for TAX rebate under section 80c.
• Maturity under this plan is free under sec 10(10D).
Plan Parameters
of Entry
18 to 50 years
Paying Mode
Yearly, Half Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly
(ECS Only)
13 to 25 years
Paying Term
(Policy Term - 3) years
100000 and above (in multiples of 10000)
Payment Mode rebate
2% on yearly, 1% on Half Yearly, Nil on
Quarterly & Monthly
Sum assured Rebate
0% of SA on 0 to 2,00,000
2% of SA on 2,00,000 to 4,90,000 3% of SA on 5,00,000 and above |
After 3 Years
After 3 Years
Within 2 Years of Lapse